Bio: Raquel Bennet

Raquel Bennet

Raquel Bennet is a Brazilian internationalist, gender specialist, and ACWAY Fellow. She holds a B.A. in International Relations from the University of Brasília (UnB) and is a specialist in Public Policies for Equality in Latin America (with a focus on gender and race policies) from the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO Argentina).  She is the current Membership Manager of the NGO Chicas Poderosas, working with the inclusion of women and non-binary people across Latin America. She has 4 years of experience in gender, race and ethnicity and women’s empowerment as a researcher, activist and former UN Women employee. Throughout her trajectory, she has been able to contribute to the inclusion of women in different themes focused mainly on the 2030 Agenda, interfaith harmony, and in the international agenda – having contributed to activities of the G20 platform since 2017.