Bio: Athena Peralta

Athena Peralta

Ms Athena PERALTA (Philippines/Switzerland) serves as programme executive for economic and ecological justice at the World Council of Churches (WCC). Previously she worked with the National Economic and Development Authority of the Philippines as senior economic development specialist. Her research and advocacy focus on the intersections between economic, ecological and gender justice. She co-edited the volume, Greed Line: A Tool for a Just Economy, and authored the book, A Caring Economy: Feminist Perspectives on Alternative Globalization Addressing People and Earth. She completed her M.A. in economics of development and post-graduate diploma in feminist development economics at the Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University) in the Netherlands.
Ms Athena PERALTA serves as programme executive for economic and ecological justice at the World Council of Churches. Previously she worked with the National Economic and Development Authority of the Philippines as senior economic development specialist. Her research and advocacy focus on the intersections between economic, ecological and gender justice.