Isaiah Zimba Chabala
Isaiah Zimba Chabala is a former Zambian career foreign service officer and senior government official for 31 years. He served as: Under-Secretary for Budget and Economic Affairs; Director of Economic and Technical Cooperation; Deputy Permanent Secretary (Economics and Finance); and Speech Writer to the Prime Minister.
He is the former Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York; Ambassador and Permanent Representative to United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva, the European Union as well as
Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. He also served as: Alternate Representative to the United Nations Security Council, Economic and Social Council, and to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
He is the Founder and President of Visionary Consulting Associates. He has also served as international consultant with the Starkey Hearing Foundation, one of the largest providers of free hearing aids to needy children and adults in the developing countries.
He is a member of boards of non-governmental organizations founded by women, in consultative status with the United Nations, notably: Global Alliance for Women’s Health; Innovation: Africa, Cubraiti, and Grace Initiative Global.
He serves as Senior Adviser to the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns. He is the Recipient of the 2017 ” Spirit of the United Nations” Award.
He is the Founder and President of Visionary Empowerment, Inc, a non-profit corporation that has established a women empowerment organization in Zambia, providing sustainable business skills and life-skills training for women and girls, including HIV/AIDS orphans and widows, particularly in rural and under-served communities.
He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Divine Empowerment Mission. The organization is dedicated to humanitarian projects and the promotion of capacity building and services that contribute to the spiritual, social, cultural and economic empowerment of vulnerable disadvantaged groups- including women and girls, orphans and widows, the elderly, persons with disabilities, indigenous people, youths and children.
He has also served as Chief Advisor to HRH Queen Diambi of Congo ( Mukalenga Mukaji Wa Nkashama), Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Elikia Hope Foundation.
He is a parishioner at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 325 Park Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, where he serves as: usher
and greeter; member of the Welcome and Hospitality Committees; Faith In Action Team; Living Christ Sangha Meditation Group, and Manhattan Together- an Affiliate of the industrial Areas Foundation, an inter-faith, multi-cultural, social justice and community empowerment organization. He is a member of GreenFaith; and the New York Diocesan Task Force on Tanzania.