Collaborating Partners
Our partners are working to make a difference in the world.
Learn more about our collaborating partners by clicking on their logos below.

Key Partners for the 2025 G20 Interfaith Forum in Cape Town, South Africa

Key Partners for the 2024 G20 Interfaith Forum in Brasilia, Brazil

Key Partners for the 2023 G20 Interfaith Forum in Pune, India

Key Partners for the 2023 G20 Interfaith Forum in Delhi, India

Key Partners for the 2022 G20 Interfaith Forum in Abu Dhabi

Key Partners for the 2021 G20 Interfaith Forum in Italy

Key Partners for the 2020 G20 Interfaith Forum in Saudi Arabia

The G20 Interfaith Forum Association wishes to express particular appreciation for its co-organizing partners this year for the 2020 G20 Interfaith Forum being hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:  the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID), the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), and the Saudi Arabian National Committee for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue (NCIRD).

Global Youth 2021 Interfaith Forum Partner

Collaborating Institutions

The G20 Interfaith Forum Association also wishes to acknowledge the role that a broad range of collaborating institutions have played over the years in successive G20 Interfaith Forum events.  Click on the Logos below to learn more about each institution.

Alianza de Iglesias Presbiterianas y Reformadas de América Latina
International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR)
Amity University logo
Amity Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, New Delhi, India
Brunel University Logo
Brunel Law and Religion Research Group, United Kingdom
Canadian Multifaith Federation
Caritas logo
CARITAS - Secretariado para América Latina y el Caribe de la Pastoral Social (SELACC)
Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies
Center for Research and Training Morocco logo
Center for Research and Training in Interfaith Relations, Morocco
insubria university logo
Research Centre, "Religion, Law and Economy in the Mediterranean Area" (REDESM), Insubria University, Como, Italy
centro de dialogo intercultural alba logo
Centro de Diálogo Intercultural Alba, Argentina
Christian Aid Logo
Christian Aid
Comisión de Pastoral logo
Comisión de Pastoral Social Conferencia Episcopal, Argentina
Comision Nacional de Justicia y Paz logo
Comisión Nacional Justicia y Paz, Argentina
Conferencia Episcopal Latinoamericana (CELAM - DEJUSOL)
Conferencia Episcopal Latinoamericana (CELAM - DEJUSOL)
Calir Logo
Consejo Argentino para la Libertad Religiosa (CALIR), Argentina
Consorcio Latinoamericano de Libertad Religiosa logo
Latin American Consortium for Religious Liberty
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), GmBH, Germany logo
German Society for International Cooperation
Department of Law and Religion, Complutense University, Spain logo
IPAG logo
Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance, Bangladesh
Instituto Argentino Jacques Maritain logo
Instituto Argentino Jacques Maritain
instiuto de dialogo interrelgioso logo
Instituto para el Diálogo Interreligioso, Argentina
International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS), Milan, Italy
international partnership on religion and sustainable development logo
International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD)
IRLA logo
International Religious Liberty Association
international shinto foundation logo
International Shinto Foundation founded by Dr. Haruhisa Handa supporting multifaith dialogue
Madin Academy logo
Ma'din Academy, India
Max Planck Institute logo
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany
Nalsar logo
NALSAR (National Academy of Legal Studies and Research) University of Law, Hyderabad, India
the oslo coalition on freedom of religion or belief logo
Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, The University of Olso Faculty of Law
oxford logo
Oxford Society of Law and Religion, United Kingdom
peres academic center logo
Peres Academic Center Law School, Rehovot, Israel
United Nations Development Programme logo
United Nations Development Programme
pidesone logo
Programa Internacional sobre Democracia, Sociedad y Nuevas Economías de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (PIDESONE), Argentina
project ploughshares logo
Project Ploughshares, Canada
Purdue University Fort Wayne logo
Purdue University Fort Wayne, United States
Regent's Park College Oxford logo
Religion, Law and International Relations Programme, Regent's Park College, Oxford
religions for peace logo
Religions for Peace
Ridd Institute for Religion and Global Policy, University of Winnipeg, Canada logo
Ridd Institute for Religion and Global Policy, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation logo
Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation—Section on Law and Religion and Canon Law, Spain
Community of Sant'egidio logo
Sant'Egidio Community, Italy
United Religions Initiative logo
United Religions Initiative
World Communication of Reformed Churches logo
World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)
world jewish congress logo
World Jewish Congress
Worldwide Support for Development
European Academy of Religion
Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University, Australia

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