Preventing Modern Slavery -
Future Policy and Practice Challenges
July 29, 9:00 AM Pacific Time/12:00 PM Eastern Time
5:00 PM U.K./8:00 PM Dubai

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The Reverend Sarah Duggin

Sarah is an Episcopal priest who serves as Associate Rector (part-time) at St. John’s Episcopal Church-Georgetown Parish in Washington, D.C. For the past 25 years, she has taught corporate law, constitutional law, and courses in corporate social responsibility and business and human rights at The Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law where she also directs the Compliance, Investigations & Corporate Responsibility Program.

  Before joining the Catholic Law faculty, Sarah was Vice President & General Counsel of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak). She has also served as Chief Counsel of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, a multi-facility academic medical care provider, and as General Counsel of the Children’s National Medical Center. Prior to her general counsel positions, Sarah was a partner in the Washington, D.C. law firm of Williams & Connolly where she litigated complex criminal and civil cases, including a number of pro bono matters. She has spent several years working with schools and women’s groups in Honduras. Sarah received her M.Div. with honors from Wesley Theological Seminary, her J.D. cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and her A.B. magna cum laude from Smith College. After law school, she served as a law clerk to the Honorable Spottswood W. Robinson, III, then Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Sarah has written and spoken extensively in the areas of constitutional law, corporate law and ethics, business accountability for human rights and the professional responsibility of corporate counsel.


The Right Reverend Dr. Alastair Redfern

Rt. Revd. Dr. Alastair Redfern was Bishop of Derby from 2005 to 2018 and a member of the House of Lords from 2010 to 2018. He has expertise in the fields of theology, church history, social justice, clergy training, leadership, and spirituality, and was the Church of England’s spokesperson for international development. Bishop Redfern sat on the joint parliamentary select committee for the draft modern slavery bill and supported the legislation through Parliament until the Royal Assent of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. He is the Independent Chair for the Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s Advisory Panel and the Vice-Chair of the Anglican Alliance. He has authored 18 books, including Slavery and Salvation (2020), which explores the curse of modern slavery. Bishop Redfern has been a Trustee of the AMAR International Charitable Foundation since 2016. He is the convenor and chair of AMAR’s Windsor Dialogue conference series, which investigates the causes and remedies of forced migration.


Duncan Jepson

He was the founder and managing director of Liberty Shared, a leading NGO that focused on anti-human and modern slavery. In 2023, he received a Certificate of Merit from the World Customs Organization for the first of its kind investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and Homeland Securities Investigation and successful settlement addressing forced labor in the global supply chain of a Fortune 500 company. Liberty Shared successfully petitioned U.S. Customs and Border Protection in relation to corporations supplying palm oil and sugar. From 2016 to 2020, Liberty Shared also worked closely with Asia Pacific Group and FATF providing typologies and training on trafficking and forced labour to FIUs in Asia. In the 1990s, he established a supply chain and manufacturing consultancy in China and the UK organizing the manufacturing of a range goods from factories around China. Duncan then became a corporate finance lawyer and for nearly a decade, he was the Regional General Counsel and Head of Compliance at ING Investment Management Asia Pacific. He was then Head of Legal for BNY Mellon Investment Management Asia Pacific for four years. Duncan has a degree in accountancy and financial management, a MBA and is a qualified solicitor of England and Wales. He is currently Special Adviser to The Santa Marta Group. Duncan has recently joined the faculty at University of Southern California Dornsife Wrigley School Institute of Environment and Sustainability teaching the Masters in Sustainability course. He taught policy entrepreneurship at Princeton University, strategic leadership at the Eisenhower School at the National Defense University and corporate accountability and forced labour at Georgetown University.


Reverend David Schilling

Senior Advisor, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

David joined the staff of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) in 1994 and has worked with ICCR members and allies to engage corporations and multi-stakeholder initiatives on human rights in global supply chains. For the past 15 years, David provided staff leadership for ICCR’s programmatic initiatives to counter modern slavery in the US and globally.

He is currently Senior Advisor at ICCR, supporting the Equitable Global Supply Chains program. He serves on the Steering Committees of the Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment and a member of the UN Global Compact Expert Network. He has co-authored, ICCR’s “Social Sustainability Resource Guide” and Business’s “Investing in the ‘Rights Way:’ A Guide for Investors on Business and Human Rights”. 

David was a regional advisor to the Institute for Human Rights and Business; member of the Independent Monitoring Working Group for six years which supported independent monitors at Gap supplier factories in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala; member of President Clinton’s Anti-Sweatshop Task Force and Global Reporting Initiative’s Working Group on the Apparel, Footwear Industry and steering committee member of the Responsible Business Alliance’s Responsible Labor Initiative.

A United Methodist minister, David has worked as Assistant Dean of the Chapel, Stanford University; worked closely with Cesar Chavez helping to build support within the religious community for the farm workers struggle for justice while serving as a minister in northern California; co-directed the Riverside Church Disarmament Program in New York City and was program coordinator of the Fellowship of Reconciliation-USA.

David has a bachelor’s degree from Carroll College in Wisconsin in philosophy and religion; masters of divinity from Union Theological Seminary; a graduate of the International Fellows Program, Columbia University.


Kevin Hyland

Following 30 years in policing, including leading London’s Human Trafficking Unit, in 2014 Kevin Hyland OBE was appointed the UK’s first Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.

He authored and led inclusion of Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 to eradicate human trafficking within the United Nations 15-year strategic priorities.

In 2018 Mr. Hyland was elected Ireland’s representative to the Council of Europe Independent Group of Experts for Trafficking. He was instrumental in establishing and remains chief advisor to the Santa Marta Group, a high-level partnership between law enforcement agencies, faith groups and civil society launched by Pope Francis at the Vatican. He was the instigator for Bakhita House, a London based residential project for women and children who have experienced human trafficking and is on the board of homeless charity The Passage, exploited women’s support charity Rahab and Sophie Hayes Foundation who provide employability training for trafficked women.

In recognition of his policing and human trafficking efforts in 2015 he was appointed OBE. In 2018 he was co-recipient of the ‘Path to peace Award’ in New York. In 2019 he was awarded the UN Women UK ‘HeForShe’ Leadership Award and in 2020 the UN Women for Peace Association Advocacy Award.

He chairs the Leadership Group of the Institute of Human Rights and Business and the Island of Ireland Human Trafficking Project and provided strategic leadership to the OSCE victim support guidance.

He is a visiting professor to St. Mary’s University, London. He has advised legislators in several countries in drafting new laws and provided training and lectured on human rights and policing in Europe, Australia, Central Asia, SE Asia, the USA, Pakistan, India, across the Middle East and South America.

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