Victoria Wyszynski Thoresen

Victoria Wyszinski Thoresen

Victoria Wyszynski Thoresen holds the UNESCO Chair for Education about Sustainable Lifestyles at The Collaborative Learning Centre for Sustainable Development at Inland Norway University. The Centre promotes the development and use of research and learning methods that assist people to contribute to constructive change through the way they choose to live. Thoresen has specialized in curriculum development, global education, peace education, value-based education and consumer education. In addition to many years of experience as a teacher and teacher trainer, Thoresen has written articles and textbooks for teacher training and has functioned as an international educational consultant. As leader of PERL, The Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living, (a network of 140 universities in 50 countries) she has worked closely with UNEP, UNESCO and other international agencies concerned with sustainable development. Thoresen is a member of the board of the International Environment Forum, a Baha’i-inspired non-governmental organization, and has been a member of the Norwegian Baha’i National Assembly.